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1) Red Rising
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Der junge Darrow lebt in einer Welt, in der die Menschheit die Erde verlassen und die Planeten erobert hat. Bei der Besiedlung des Mars kommt ihm eine wichtige Aufgabe zu, das jedenfalls glaubt Darrow, der in den Minen im Untergrund schuftet, um eines Tages die Oberfläche des Mars bewohnbar zu machen. Doch dann erkennt er, dass er und seine Leidensgenossen von einer herrschenden...
Der junge Darrow lebt in einer Welt, in der die Menschheit die Erde verlassen und die Planeten erobert hat. Bei der Besiedlung des Mars kommt ihm eine wichtige Aufgabe zu, das jedenfalls glaubt Darrow, der in den Minen im Untergrund schuftet, um eines Tages die Oberfläche des Mars bewohnbar zu machen. Doch dann erkennt er, dass er und seine Leidensgenossen von einer herrschenden...
2) Red Rising
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Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he works all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of Mars livable for future generations. Yet he spends his life willingly, knowing that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better world for his children. But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity reached the surface generations...
3) Golden son
Red rising novels volume 2
Red rising saga volume 02
Red rising saga volume 2
Thorndike Press large print core
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Red rising saga volume 02
Red rising saga volume 2
Thorndike Press large print core
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As a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, enduring backbreaking labor while dreaming of the better future he was building for his descendants. But the Society he faithfully served was built on lies. Darrow's kind have been betrayed and denied by their elitist masters, the Golds - and their only path to liberation is revolution. And so Darrow sacrifices himself in the name of the greater good for which Eo, his true...
4) Morning star
Red rising novels volume 3
Red rising saga volume 3
Red Rising trilogy volume 3
Thorndike Press large print core
Red rising saga volume 3
Red Rising trilogy volume 3
Thorndike Press large print core
Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society's mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart...
Vor einem Jahrzehnt war Darrow der Held einer Revolution, von der er glaubte, sie würde die Gesellschaft verändern. Statt Frieden und Freiheit hat sie nur endlosen Krieg gebracht. Jetzt muss er alles, wofür er gekämpft hat, in einer einzigen letzten Mission riskieren.
Darrow glaubt nach wie vor, er könne jeden retten. Aber kann er sich auch selbst retten?
Red Rising Band 1 bis 3 war die Geschichte vom Ende eines Universums. Asche zu Asche ist...
6) Iron gold
A decade ago, Darrow was the hero of the revolution he believed would break the chains of the Society, and abolish the color-coded caste system. But the Rising has shattered everything, and brought endless war. New foes emerge to threaten what has been earned, and throughout the worlds other destinies entwine with Darrow's to change his fate forever. A young Red girl flees tragedy in her refugee camp, and achieves for herself a new life she could...
Um eine unmenschliche und grausame Gesellschaft zu stürzen, ist der Minenarbeiter Darrow selbst zum Goldenen, zum Mitglied der verhassten Oberschicht, geworden. Doch jetzt wurde sein Geheimnis entdeckt und er schwebt in tödlicher Gefahr. Wenn er sein Ziel erreichen will, muss er alles riskieren.
8) Dark age
For a decade Darrow led a revolution against the corrupt color-coded Society. Now, outlawed by the very Republic he founded, he wages a rogue war on Mercury in hopes that he can still salvage the dream of Eo. But as he leaves death and destruction in his wake, is he still the hero who broke the chains? Or will another legend rise to take his place? Lysander au Lune, the heir in exile, has returned to the Core. Determined to bring peace back to mankind...
Immer war Darrow stolz darauf, als Minenarbeiter auf dem Mars den Planeten zu erschließen. Bis er herausfand, dass die Oberschicht, die Goldenen, längst in Saus und Braus leben und alle anderen ausbeuten. Unter Lebensgefahr schloss er sich dem Widerstand an und ließ sich selbst zum Goldenen verwandeln. Nun lebt er mitten unter seinen Feinden und versucht die ungerechte Gesellschaft aus ihrer Mitte heraus zum Umsturz zu bringen. Doch womit Darrow...
Zehn Jahre lang verkörperte Darrow die Revolution gegen die farbenbasierte Weltengesellschaft. Nun ist er von der Republik, die er selbst gegründet hat, zum Gesetzlosen erklärt worden, und führt auf eigene Faust Krieg auf dem Merkur, um Eos Traum doch noch zu verwirklichen. Doch ist er, der überall Tod und Verwüstung hinterlässt, wirklich noch der Held, der einst die Ketten sprengte? Oder wird sich eine neue Legende erheben und seinen Platz...
Teil zwei des aufregenden, neuen Red-Rising-Abenteuers von Bestsellerautor Pierce Brown.Zehn Jahre lang verkörperte Darrow die Revolution gegen die farbenbasierte Weltengesellschaft. Nun ist er von der Republik, die er selbst gegründet hat, zum Gesetzlosen erklärt worden, und führt auf eigene Faust Krieg auf dem Merkur, um Eos Traum doch noch zu verwirklichen. Doch ist er, der überall Tod und Verwüstung hinterlässt, wirklich noch der Held,...
"Red Rising hit the ground running and wasted no time becoming a sensation. Golden Son continues the stunning saga of Darrow, a rebel forged by tragedy, battling to lead his oppressed people to freedom.
Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music!
As a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, enduring backbreaking labor while dreaming of the better future...
"Red Rising hit the ground running and wasted no time becoming a sensation. Golden Son continues the stunning saga of Darrow, a rebel forged by tragedy, battling to lead his oppressed people to freedom.
Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music!
As a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, enduring backbreaking labor while dreaming of the better future...
14) Light bringer
The legendary Reaper, Darrow, to defend Mars from a bloodthirsty would-be conqueror, begins his long voyage home, an interplanetary adventure where old friends will reunite, new alliances will be forged, and rivals will clash on the battlefield.
"NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Pierce Brown's relentlessly entertaining debut channels the excitement of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.
"Red Rising ascends above a crowded dystopian field."-USA Today
Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music!
"I live for the dream that my children will be born free," she says. "That they will be what they...
"Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he works all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of Mars livable for future generations. Yet he toils willingly, trusting that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better world for his children.
But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity reached the surface generations ago....
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"NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Pierce Brown's relentlessly entertaining debut channels the excitement of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. "Red Rising ascends above a crowded dystopian field."—USA Today Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music! "I live for the dream that my children will be born free," she says. "That they will be what they ...
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"Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he works all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of Mars livable for future generations. Yet he toils willingly, trusting that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better world for his children. But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity reached the surface generations ago....
"They call him father, liberator, warlord, Slave King, Reaper. But he feels a boy as he falls toward the war-torn planet, his armor red, his army vast, his heart heavy. It is the tenth year of war and the thirty-third of his life.
A decade ago Darrow was the hero of the revolution he believed would break the chains of the Society. But the Rising has shattered everything: Instead of peace and freedom, it has brought endless war. Now he must risk...
"#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Red Rising thrilled readers and announced the presence of a talented new author. Golden Son changed the game and took the story of Darrow to the next level. Now comes the exhilarating next chapter in the Red Rising Saga: Morning Star.
Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music!
Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The...